John D Eblen
Research Associate specializing in software development
Email: [email protected]
Work: 865.241.9111
E353, Bldg. 2040
1 Bethel Valley Rd.
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6309
-The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
-PhD in computer science, 2010
-Advisor: Dr. Michael Langston
-GROMACS on Xeon Phi: improving performance on the latest HPC architectures
-Eclipse PTP Synchronized Projects: Enabling Eclipse for HPC developers
Much of scientific research in the 21st century depends heavily on supercomputing. Thus, advances in HPC (high-performance computing) can lead directly to more scientific success stories. For example, improved performance of molecular simulation codes, like GROMACS, gives scientists the ability to simulate larger systems for longer time periods, leading to more insights. Performance is not the only criteria, though. Improvements to development tools lesson the time to create HPC software. Eclipse PTP, for example, gives HPC developers the ability to leverage the benefits of a modern IDE while developing codes that run on remote supercomputers.
My mission is to improve the HPC computing tools that scientists rely on for modern-day research. This includes improving performance to make the most of today’s increasing computing power, to improved tools and interfaces for both developers and scientists (IDEs, programming languages, user interfaces, etc.)
Please feel free to contact me if you want to discuss ways of advancing sclentific computing. If you work on similar projects, perhaps we can compare notes!