Principal Investigators

Jeremy C. Smith

Director and Governor’s Chair

Jerry M. Parks

Group Leader

Omar Demerdash

Research Staff Scientist

Ada Sedova

Research Staff Scientist

Micholas Smith

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry &
Cellular and Molecular Biology
University of Tennessee, Knoxville


Christy Franklin

Administrative Assistant


Postdoctoral Researchers

Yan Yu

Shih-Hsien Liu

Rajitha Tatikonda

Sheeba Malik

Mohan Mood

Shalini Jayaraman Rukmani

University of Tennessee Graduate Students

J. Andrew Amburn

Brynn Biddle


Cora Bishop

Visiting Scholars and Collaborators

Derya Vural

Professor of Physics
Giresun University, Turkey

Joshua O. Aggrey

Graduate Student Researcher
East Tennessee State University